『Cats in the Cradle』(搖籃裡的貓)──-愛要及時『Cats in the Cradle』(搖籃裡的貓)──-愛要及時【史瑞克】勇奪奧斯卡史上首座最佳動畫片金像獎,【史瑞克2】以8億8000多萬美金票房成為全球影史最賣座的動畫片。2007年夏季,【史瑞克三世】(Shrek the Third)隆重登基上映,邁克麥爾斯、艾迪墨菲、卡麥蓉狄亞茲、安東尼奧班德拉斯、魯伯特艾佛特、約翰克里斯、茱麗安德魯斯,與美國電視名嘴賴利金、新進加入的葛萊美獎偶像歌手賈斯汀、、、等超搶眼卡司再度帶來最生動的聲音演出。這部顛覆傳統童話故事的動畫片,劇情描述費歐娜公主的父親哈洛國王在駕崩之前,原本希望史瑞克能接下「遠的要命王國」的王位,但史瑞克認為自己並不是當國王的料。哈洛國王建議史瑞克去找Artie王子來繼承,於是史瑞克帶著驢子、鞋貓劍客,踏上尋找王位接班人的旅程,而費歐娜公主則是跟動畫片中的超人氣公主—白雪公主、灰姑娘、睡美人攜手捍衛「遠的要命王國」,力阻白馬王子的篡位計謀。【史瑞克】系列在歌曲的選擇上總是以彌漫著復古風的經典搖滾為主,【史瑞克三世】電影遵循著路線,以經典搖滾重裝出擊。除了連續三集都為「史瑞克」創作主題曲的滑頭合唱團(Eels,鰻魚、鱔魚?!)持續以其兼具溫馨、甜蜜、哀愁、苦悶等情緒特質的曲調創作了『Royal Pain』、『Losing Streak』等2首歌外,還運用齊柏林飛船合唱團(Led Zeppelin)1970年的超靚搖滾經典『Immigrant Song』、雷蒙斯合唱團(The Ramones)1980年流行/迷幻搖滾勁歌『Do You Remember Rock’N Roll Radio?』。從保羅麥卡尼在1973年為007系列電影「生死關頭」所打造的超率性搖滾歌『Live And Let Die』,到紐約流行搖滾名人Harry Chapin在1974年一夕成名的招牌冠軍曲『Cat's In The Cradle』。就連在嘻哈時尚中獨領風騷的黑眼豆豆合唱團(The Black Eyed Peas)當家女主唱菲姬(Fergie,肥雞?!)都披掛上陣挑戰演唱女生當家的搖滾樂團──紅心合唱團(Heart)在1977年全美排行TOP20經典熱歌勁曲『Barracuda』。驢子、鞋貓劍客世紀對唱二部曲,艾迪墨菲與安東尼歐班德拉斯再度攜手歡唱復古老歌『Thank You (Falletin Me Be Mice Elf Again)』。同時還有葛萊美獎最佳女歌手梅西葛蕾、勇奪葛萊美獎搖滾團Wolfmother、、、等藝人/樂團的精采唱作。史瑞克第3集「遠的要命王國」的王位最後到底由誰來繼承呢?其中有一段是史瑞克和驢子出發要找王位繼承人--亞瑟時,費歐納告訴史瑞克她懷孕了,然後驢子在船上唱的一首歌,是許多人都很喜歡的一段劇情和音樂!那首歌就是搖滾名人Harry Chapin在1974年一夕成名的招牌冠軍曲『Cat's In The Cradle』(搖籃裡的貓)!驢子唱的歌詞是:And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,小貓與銀色湯匙待在搖籃裡Little boy blue and the man on the moon.小男孩沮喪時,男人卻在月球上When you coming home,Dad?你什麼時候回來?爸I don't know when我不知何時,But we'll get together then,son.但我們將會團聚共度,兒子You know we'll have a good time then.我們將會共度一段美好時光!Cat's in the Cradle ─── by Sandy & Harry Chapin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlHdjjHNEC8演唱:Harry Chapin (1942-1981) 專輯:Verities & Balderdash 發行時間:1974年英年早逝的美國民謠創作才子Harry Chapin西元1974年的暢銷作『Cat's In The Cradle』!此一影片是1981年的現場演出,同年Harry Chapin於車禍中喪生!Cats in the cradle Harry Chapin My child arrived just the other day,He came to the world in the usual way.But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay.He learned to walk while I was away. And he was talking 'fore I knew it, and as he grew, He'd say: "I'm gonna be like you, dad.You know I'm gonna be like you." And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,Little boy blue and the man in the moon."When you coming home, dad?" "I don't know when,But we'll get together then,son.You know we'll have a good time then." My son turned ten just the other day.He said, "Thanks for the ball, dad, come on let's play.Can you teach me to throw?"I said, "Not today,I got a lot to do."He said, "That's ok."And he walked away, but his smile never dimmmed,Said, "I'm gonna be like him, yeah.You know I'm gonna be like him." And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,Little boy blue and the man in the moon. "When you coming home, dad?" "I don't know when,But we'll get together then,son.You know we'll have a good time then." Well, he came from college just the other day,So much like a man I just had to say,"Son, I'm proud of you. Can you sit for a while?"He shook his head, and he said with a smile,"What I'd really like, dad, is to borrow the car keys.See you later. Can I have them please?" And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,Little boy blue and the man in the moon."When you coming home, son?""I don't know when,But we'll get together then, dad.You know we'll have a good time then." I've long since retired and my son's moved away.I called him up just the other day.I said, "I'd like to see you if you don't mind."He said, "I'd love to, dad, if I could find the time.You see, my new job's a hassle, and the kid's got the flu,But it's sure nice talking to you, dad.It's been sure nice talking to you."And as I hung up the phone, it occurred to me,He'd grown up just like me.My boy was just like me. And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,Little boy blue and the man in the moon."When you coming home, son?""I don't know when,But we'll get together then, dad.You know we'll have a good time then."搖籃裡的貓 哈利卻賓 我的孩子在最近某天到來以尋常的方式來到這個世界但我得忙著趕飛機和付帳單他在我離家時學會走路在我知道以前就學會了說話當他漸漸長大,他說:"爸,我將來要像你一樣 我將來要像你一樣 " 小貓和銀色湯匙待在搖籃裡小男孩憂傷時,男人卻在月球上"爸,你什麼時候回來?""我不知道何時,但我們將會團聚共度,兒子我們會共度一段美好時光" 有一天我兒子滿十歲了,他說:"謝謝你送我棒球,爸,我們來玩! 你能教我投球嗎?" 我說:"今天不行,我有事要忙。"他說:"沒關係!"然後走開,依然笑嘻嘻的 好像說:我將來要像他一樣我將來要像他一樣 小貓和銀色湯匙待在搖籃裡小男孩憂傷時,男人卻在月球上"爸,你什麼時候回來?""我不知道何時,但我們將會團聚共度,兒子我們會共度一段美好時光" 有一天他從大學回來我只能說他看起來就像個男人一樣"孩子,我為你感到驕傲,坐下來談談好嗎?"他搖搖頭,笑著說:"爸,我想跟你借汽車鑰匙, 待會兒再說,可以借我嗎?" 小貓和銀色湯匙待在搖籃裡小男孩憂傷時,男人卻在月球上"兒子,你什麼時候回來?""我不知道何時, 但我們將會團聚共度,爸 我們會共度一段美好時光" 我已退休多年,兒子也搬出去了有一天我打電話給他我說:如果不打擾的話,我想看看你他說:我也想啊!爹,但實在抽不出空來我的新工作一團糟,孩子又得了流行性感冒但很高興能和你講電話很高興能和你聊聊掛上電話,我心裡有個念頭:他長大後果然像我我兒子就和我一樣 小貓和銀色湯匙待在搖籃裡小男孩憂傷時,男人卻在月球上"兒子,你什麼時候回來?""我不知道何時, 但我們將會團聚共度,爸 我們會共度一段美好時光".
- Jan 17 Tue 2012 17:56
『Cats in the Cradle』(搖籃裡的貓)──-愛要及時